Executive Forests Agency | Directorate: Finance and Property Management
Position: Director
Name: Svetla Davidkova
Phone: 0298511559
Internal phone: 559
Email: davidkova@iag.bg
Directorate "Finance and Property Management":
• organizes the development and prepares а budget prognosis, the budget of the Agency and the budgets of the Regional forest directorates and the specialized territorial units of the Agency;
• determines the remuneration of the Regional forest directorates and the specialized territorial units of the Agency and coordinates their job descriptions;
• performs methodological guidance and control of the Regional forest directorates and the specialized territorial units of the Agency for the implementation of the Law on accounting, as well as all normative acts, related to economic activity;
• participates in the development of regulations on the implementation and management of financial resources;
• performs processing of the economic documentation, that reflects the economic processes related to the activity of the Agency, of the Regional forest directorates and of the specialized territorial units;
• coordinates the budget implementation activities of the Regional forest directorates and the specialized territorial units;
• summarizes and prepares monthly, quarterly and annual cash and accounting reports of the Agency;
• performs control over payments through the System for Electronic Budget Payments “SEBRA”;
• participates in the development and implementation of bilateral and multilateral agreements on economic cooperation in the field of forestry and hunting;
• performs the accounting of the revenues and expenditures under the full budget classification and in the accounts of EFA, in accordance with the requirements of the Law on accountancy, the Chart of accounts of budgetary enterprises and the applicable accounting standards;
• prepares and stores payroll records for the employees of the Agency, makes payments on them, prepares monthly, quarterly and annual cash reports, quarterly and annual turnover statements and annual financial reports;
• performs accounting and payments on international agreements, programs and projects financed by funds and international sources;
• participates in the organization, construction and functioning of financial management and control systems within the Agency, including the system of ex-ante control and the double signature system, in order to be legal and effective budget management;
• organizes and performs the annual inventories according to the order and within the terms specified in the administrative acts of the Agency;
• develops the Agency's investment program, makes the lists for the Agency's capital expenditures, for the Regional forest directorates and specialized territorial units and submits them for approval by the Executive Director;
• controls, summarizes and reports on the implementation of investment politics and capital expenses made by the Agency, of the Regional forest directorates and specialized territorial units;
• controls and performs the funding of the approved investment programme of the Agency;
• develops programmes and measures and prepares analyses related to the Agency's investment policy, of the Regional forest directorates and specialized territorial units;
• organizes the activities related to the management of the state property, provided for the management of the agency, the Regional forest directorates and the specialized territorial units, including: a)leasing and disposal of real estate which are not forest territories, provided for the management by the Agency, its structures and specialized territorial units; b)a grant for the management of movable property - state property, between, or for the benefit of the Agency, its structures and specialized territorial units;
• organizes and controls the maintenance and storage of the Agency's facilities;
• organizes and controls state-owned property insurance at the Agency;
• creates and maintains a list of state-owned real estate that is not forest territory, provided for the management by the Agency, the regional forest directorates and the specialized territorial units;
• prepares statements to the regional governors in connection with the issuance of orders for deregistration of properties, which are not forest territories, from the statute books under the terms and procedure of the State Property Act;
• organizes activities on: a)leasing and disposal of real estate which are not forest territories, provided to the management of the Agency, its structures and specialized territorial units; b)а grant for management of movable property - state property, from and for the benefit of the Agency, its structures and specialized territorial units;
• manages transport services - motor vehicle registration, annual inspections, maintenance and repair;
• controls the performance of public procurement contracts;
• organizes, support and implementation of procurement activities;
• composes contracts for the establishment of property rights in forest territories, sale, exchange, rent, etc.;