Executive Forests Agency | Terms of use
Instructions for use
This internet page is an official page of the Executive Forest Agency according to art.10, para. 3 of the Electronic Management Act. The page is maintained by the Executive Forest Agency. When you are using this page, please direct your attention to:
Content, located on the internet page
The contents of informational resources, located on the internet page, are in agreement with the requirements of acting legislation in the Republic of Bulgaria. In case of a discrepancy, questionable authenticity or illegality of published information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Published information on the page, from a legal perspective, doesn’t have the character of legal advice/consultation and as such, it is published only with an informational purpose. The occurrence of damages which are caused by legal or factual actions, based on the information published on this internet page, are totally the responsibility of people who take these actions.
Responsibility for foreign contents
The Executive Forest Agency is not legally responsible for the thoroughness, accuracy and topicality of the informational resources’ contents from third persons. This includes electronic links from the internet page, and legal actions from third persons. In the case that electronic links, which are connected to informational resources, have untopical and/or incorrect and/or incomplete and/or illegal contents, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The software, secured the internet page function, its design, including all information published on the page, as far as that is not public information, is the subject of copyright. No part of the protected objects can be reproduced, translated, changed or used without written permission in advance from Executive Forest Agency.
Personal Data
Personal data is collected through this internet page and is managed by the Executive Forest Agency, only for the needs of supply/provision of electronic administrative services, through strict adherence to the Electronic Management Act requirements and Act for Personal Data Protection’s requirements. Collecting and processing of personal data for other purposes could be made voluntary and done only after agreement of people who gave this data, following the requirements of Act for Personal Data Protection.